Fart Jokes

fart jokes

These funny fart jokes are sure to make you smile!

Yo momma’s so fat… …when she farted, they had proof for the hawking radiation theory. How do you know a woman is wearing tights? – Her knees swell up when she farts. My friend didn’t have gas money to get home So I farted in his wallet. I have so many dick jokes under my…

fart jokes

Laugh Out Loud With These Hilarious Fart Jokes

A Lion is chasing an Antelope… A lion is chasing an antelope through the savanna. The antelope is getting tired and the lion is gaining fast. There’s only a few feet left between them. And then, the antelope sees a way out – its a large, deep hole covered with grass – an old trap…

fart jokes

Are You Ready For Some Funny Farts?

Turkey Dinner Surprise A husband and his wife had been married for over fifty years. They were desperately in love with each other. Neither one had any complaints about the other, except for one. Each morning, the husband would roll over and fart loudly as he woke up. The wife would exclaim, One of these…

fart jokes

10+ Laugh Out Loud Fart Jokes Guaranteed To Make You Smile

My sister won’t stop having a vagina Its not fair! No matter what I say and do to her she won’t stop!!! I even told her if she doesn’t stop I’ll fuck her in her tight little ass! Speaking of asses, she poops, too! And…….*brace yourselves* FARTS!!!! This guy goes to the Patent Office with…

fart jokes

You Won’t Be Able To Hold It In When You Read These Fart Jokes

My Go To when all else fails. Has never flopped. A farmer and his wife have been married many years. The farmer has a talent for farting very loudly. Everytime he does so his wife says one of these days your gonna fart your guts out. This goes on for years until after one Thanksgiving…