horse jokes

horse jokes

Don’t Miss These Ridiculously Funny Horse Jokes!

The Englishman and the Welshman Englishman: That your dog? Welshman: Yep. Englishman: Mind if I speak to him? Welshman: Dogs don’t talk. Englishman: Hey dog, how’s it going? Dog: Doin’ all right. Welshman: (Look of shock) Englishman: Is this Welshman your owner? Dog: Yep. Englishman: How’s he treating you? Dog: Real good. He walks me…

horse jokes

You Won’t Believe The Hilarious Jokes People

Take that back Olympics Here are the top nine comments made by sports commentators during the Olympics that they would like to take back…. 1. Weightlifting commentator: This is Gregoriava from Bulgaria . I saw her snatch this morning during her warm up and it was amazing. 2. Dressage commentator: This is really a lovely…

horse jokes

The Funniest Horse Jokes You’ll Ever Read

Overheard two doctors in the emergency ward They were discussing a patient who had arrived with six plastic horses stuck in his rectum. Described his condition as stable. What is the difference between Trump’s tie and a horse’s tail? The horse’s tail covers the whole asshole Free Dinner A joke my buddy told me that…

horse jokes

You Won’t Believe the Hilarity in These Horse Jokes!

A Spaniard, a Frenchman, and an American are on a rain-forest expedition… When suddenly, out of nowhere, they are captured by a tribe of cannibals. The chief of the tribe has the men brought before him. Our tribe has lasted for many, many seasons. he says, Mainly due to our chiefs being able to make…

horse jokes

These Hilarious Horse Jokes Will Make You Laugh

Three businessmen and a lawyer on a train… There were three businessmen and one lawyer in a train car together. One businessman was from Russia, and one was from Cuba. The other businessman and the lawyer were from the USA. They were having a fine conversation, enjoying their trip. At one point, the Cuban businessman…

horse jokes

You’ll never believe the hilarious horse jokes on the internet!

Did you hear the one about the Seahawk who wouldn’t stop talking? He kept beating a dead horse. Some native jokes What’s the difference between a native and a picnic table? A picnic table can support a family What do you call a bunch of natives in a ditch? Sleepover The Lone Ranger and Tonto…

horse jokes

These horse jokes will have you laughing out loud!

You guys wanna hear a dirty story….. A horse fell in the mud. I tried to play water polo once But my horse drowned. 🙁 Horse in a bar. A horse stumbles into a bar and without pause goes to the bartender. The bartender looks up from cleaning the counter and nods to the horse…

horse jokes

Discover the funniest horse jokes on the internet today!

A little girl and a businessman are sitting next to each other on a plane. The girl is reading, but the businessman is obviously getting bored. So, he says to her ya know, talking is the best way to pass the time on a flight. The girl, showing slight annoyance, puts down her book and…

horse jokes

You won’t believe the hilarious horse jokes people are sharing online!

A horse walks into a bar and asks for a drink. A horse walks into a bar and asks for a drink. The bartender says why the long face? The horse let’s out a sigh and says I’m a metaphysical character that exists only in the scope of this joke and will cease to exist…

horse jokes

The funniest horse jokes you’ll ever read!

A man walks into a bar and sees a giant jar of money on the counter. He asks the bartender, Hey barkeep. What’s up with the jar of money? The bartender replies, Well you see, I’ve got this horse in the back. And ever since I bought it the damn thing has been so depressed…