Movie Jokes

Movie jokes

10+ great movie jokes that will have you in stitches!

Somebody told me Jesus forgives the people and admits them into heaven. I told them, Yeah, I’ve seen the movie All Dogs go to Heaven , and even All Dogs go to Heaven 2 ; but I haven’t seen the movie All Rapists go to Heaven yet, so if you could rent me that one…

Movie jokes

The funniest movie jokes on the internet that are sure to make you laugh!

A man goes to the pet store… And walks up to the shopkeep. I’d like to buy a dog please, the man said. Certainly sir, I think I have one you might like, replied the shopkeep. The shopkeep then leads the man through to a room separate from the rest of the shop, that’s completely…

Movie jokes

Laugh your socks off with these hilarious movie jokes!

[nsfw] Totally legit, but you can use a joke if you want to. **Scene:** I was living in an apartment complex where all the bedroom windows faced into a small courtyard of sorts, walled on three sides with 3 stories of bedroom windows. None of the apartments in this complex have air-conditioning. It’s close to…

Movie jokes

You won’t be able to stop laughing at these amazing movie jokes!

Sailor in the Movie Theatre. This is an original, edits are welcome A woman enters a cinema. A man takes a seat directly in front of the woman. The man continuously moves his body side to side horizontally. As the movie starts playing, the man continues moving side to side annoying the woman he sat…

Movie jokes

These movie jokes are some of the funniest things you’ll ever see!

Thought I’d try writing bad monologue jokes today. Like Jay Leno bad. Russia says it will begin patrolling with nuclear submarines again for the first time in 20 years. Nuclear subs that are 20 years old? I didn’t know Russia had Subway. In Texas, a husband and wife are blaming one another for sending ricin-laced…

Movie jokes

Laugh until you cry with these hilarious movie jokes

one my Grampa told me: Three men are standing in a huge line to see a movie. The guy in front really has to piss. He mentions this to the guy behind him. The guy behind suggests he piss into the back pocket of the guy in front of him. The middle guy laughs and…

Movie jokes

Get your daily dose of hilarity with our favorite movie jokes

Robot for sale A father buys a lie detector robot that slaps people when they lie. He decides to test it out at dinner one night. The father asks his son what he did that afternoon. The son says, I did some schoolwork. The robot slaps the son. The son says, Ok, Ok. I was…

Movie jokes

Prepare to laugh your butt off with the best movie jokes on the internet

An officer, a gentleman and a penguin. One day a man is walking down a London street when he comes across a penguin. Not sure what to do, he picks up the penguin and continues his journey. A police patrol spots the man, What are you doing with that penguin!? the officer asks I don’t…

Movie jokes

The Funniest Jokes From the Best Movies

Arrgh! These be some pirate jokes. Did you hear about the new pirate movie? It’s rated Arrrrrgggghhhh What is a pirates favorite letter? Most think it’s Arrrrgh but, it is really the Sea(c). Sean Connery (lame but i love it) Connery gets a phone call one day from his agent, who says look, there’s a…

Movie jokes

The funniest movie jokes that will make you laugh out loud

A Scottish bouncer walks into his local pub… …and the bartender says: We could have used you in here last night, we had that Spanish actor from that Coen brothers film in, smashing the place up. Oh, Javier Bardem? No. We just kicked him out. Thanks in part to the Walt Disney Corporation . most…