chicken jokes

Chicken jokes

A hilarious chicken jokes That’ll Make You cringe

Why does a chicken coop only have 2 doors? If it had 4 it would be a chicken sedan The Moral of the Story The teacher gave her fifth grade class an assignment: get their parents to tell them a story with a moral at the end of it. The next day the kids came…

The ultimate cheesy chicken jokes List

So, rooster jokes now? There is a farmer with 1000 chickens and one rooster getting on in age. He is concerned that his production will start to decline and decides to get a younger rooster to keep things up. The young rooster comes in and is surveying the land and finds the old rooster. Typical…

The funniest chicken jokes you’ve never heard

A guy walks into a bar and sees a sign… A guy walks into a bar and sees a sign that reads: Cheese Sandwich: $1.50 Chicken Sandwich: $2.50 Hand Job: $10.00 He checks his wallet and beckons to the sexy bartender. Are you the one who gives the hand jobs? he asks. Yes, she purrs….

The top 10 chicken jokes to make you laugh out loud

A white guy, a black guy, and a mexican were on a boat… A white guy, a black guy, and a mexican were on a boat. The boat is too heavy and is starting to sink, so each throws something overboard. The black guy throws his fried chicken into the water. The Mexican throws out…

The best chicken jokes to keep you laughing all day long

Why did the chicken cross the road? To visit the idiot. Knock knock. Who’s there? *The chicken.* Ice cream flavor galore A January 1994 Reuters News Service story on Manuel Oliveira’s ice cream shop in Merida, Venezuela, reported on his 567 flavors, including onion, chili, beer, eggplant, smoked trout, spaghetti parmesan, chicken with rice, and…

funny chicken jokes to make your friends groan

Why do chicken coops only have two doors? If they had four doors, they’d be chicken sedans. Why did the chicken cross the road? To go to the club on the other side of town. Why did the chicken go to the club? To go to the restroom. Why did the chicken go to the…

Why do people love chicken jokes? To have them laughing on the other side of their face

I saw whipped peanut butter in the store today … … so I pointed it out to my friend, Tori. Tori: Weird. Would it even taste any different? Me: I don’t know. Since they whipped it, it would be my assumption that they would, y’know … whip it good. Tori: God dammit, ChickeninEveryPot. God dammit….

20 of the best chicken jokes for your next dinner party

Youth and speed will never beat age and treachery. A young rooster walks out onto the barnyard for the first time, having just been bought by the farmer. He sees lots of chickens, but only one other rooster, who is much older. He walks up to the old rooster to tell him to get lost…

20+ Chicken Jokes That’ll make you giggle

A blonde, brunette, and ginger are walking through the desert… The brunette was carrying a bucket of fried chicken, the ginger was carrying bottles of water, and the blonde, a car door. They eventually come to an old man’s house. The old asks the brunette , Where are you going with that fried chicken? She…

20+ Chicken Jokes That’ll make you crow with laughter

Why did the lost tourist cross the road? The chicken looked like he knew where he was going. Would you watch a turkey dance? No, but I’d watch a chicken strip. Why did the pervert cross the road? He was choking the chicken. A chicken walks into a library… …and she walks up to the…