police jokes

Police jokes

The best police jokes that’ll make you laugh

A man is walking by his son’s room, when he hears him praying… …and he decides to poke his head in the door to see what he is saying. Dear God, I love Mommy, Daddy, and Grandma. Bye bye Grandpa. The father thought this was strange, but didn’t pay much mind to it, as his…

Police jokes

Great Police jokes that could be used to lock you up

A police officer pulls a man over for driving all over the road… …and discovers the man has clearly been drinking. Officer: You’ll have to come with me for a breathalyzer test, sir. Man: I’m afraid I can’t do that officer, I’m ams– *hic* alths– I’m asthmatic. I could have an episode. O: I see….

Police jokes

The best of the worst: police jokes that’ll make you cringe

A Danish teen met her boyfriend at a Syrian refugee camp near her home… Turned out he was Isis and got her into it. She watched beheading video over and over obsessively. When her mom tried to stop her, the teen killed her mom with a knife. After the arrest, the police asked her why…

Police jokes

10+ hilariously bad police jokes that will make you groan

A friend of mine got stopped by the police the other day… He was weaving the car a little oddly and they asked him to blow into the tube. He passed them a piece of paper which said This man is asthmatic, please don’t ask him to blow something signed by doctor. So the police…

Police jokes

50 funny police jokes

Little Red Riding Hood was sitting upstairs in her room listening to music, when her mum calls her down into the kitchen, so she heads downstairs. When Red enters the kitchen, her mum asks, Little Red would you mind taking this basket of goodies to your ill grandmother in the morning? Little Red immediately reaches…

Police jokes

NSFW: These police jokes will have the entire office laughing (illegally!)

The slogan for the local sheriff’s department: We aim to police! Apparently someone has been shot with a starter pistol at the athletics track Police think it may be race related A gay man killed his cheating boyfriend The Police call it homocide A man is walking down the street with a penguin… He starts…

Police jokes

The best of the best: top 10 police jokes from Reddit

Cow 1: Hey, did you hear about the big outbreak of mad cow disease? Cow 2: Good thing I’m a helicopter.Two cows are standing in a barn. I said what the hell, ordered three, and quickly drank them down. Next thing I know my pants are off and the cops have showed up. Long story…

Police jokes

As requested: more of the funniest police jokes from Reddit

A funny joke I read somewhere… Ok so the Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe was on in theaters and the audience were concerned about the performance of Aslan; the character was moping around and slurring his words. After the play had ended and complaints were sent in, producers examined Aslan’s costume and sure enough,…

Police jokes

For when you need a laugh: the funniest police jokes (part 2)

Parking ticket I went to the supermarket today, and I was there for literally 5 minutes. When I came out there was a cop writing a parking ticket. So I went up to him and said, Come on, buddy, how about giving a guy a break? He ignored me and continued writing the ticket. So…

Police jokes

And you thought YOUR job was tough: the funniest police jokes (part 3)

Australian Police are on the look out for a serial Aboriginal basher I called them up about it, apparently it’s not a job London lawyer A London lawyer runs a stop sign and gets pulled over by an Irish cop. He thinks that he is smarter than the cop because he is a lawyer from…